Less than 2 sec to Clean and Organise your Desktop and Downloads

        Hi, is your Desktop look messy with unwanted files or your downloads folder is filled with too many items. You can clean it in Less than 5 sec.

       We are going to use a simple Ruby script that automatically categories the files and moves them to the current folder.

Github linkhttps://github.com/aravindaakash/selenium-automation/tree/main/desktop_cleaner

Source Code: (On-demand clean up) 
require 'fileutils'
home_path = Dir.home
source_location = "#{home_path}/Desktop"
destination_location = "#{home_path}/Documents"
destination_folder = "#{destination_location}/Desktop_files"

source_files = Dir.glob("#{source_location}/*")

Dir.mkdir(destination_folder) unless Dir.exist?(destination_folder)
errors_messages = []

source_files.each do |file|
    destination_type_folder = destination_folder
    unless File.directory?(file)
        file_type = file.split('.').last
        destination_type_folder = "#{destination_folder}/#{file_type}"
        Dir.mkdir(destination_type_folder) unless Dir.exist?(destination_type_folder)
        FileUtils.mv(file, destination_type_folder)    
        errors_messages << file

puts "Successfully cleared #{source_files.count-errors_messages.count} files"
puts "Failed to clear file(s) due to \n #{errors_messages.join("\n")}" if errors_messages.any?

 In the above script, I moved my files from the source Desktop to destination Documents

The script will create a folder in the name of file extensions and move the files to the current folder so that we can group and search the files easily

                                                                                        Sample video

We can also modify the script to organize the Downloads folder like to group the downloaded items based on the file types so that it just looks fantastic and pretty organized.

You can use this script on real-time cleaning purposes too. Like whenever a file is added in desktop it will automatically move the file to the corresponding folder.

Source Code: (Scheduled clean up) 

require 'fileutils'
home_path = Dir.home
source_location = "#{home_path}/Desktop"
destination_location = "#{home_path}/Documents"
destination_folder = "#{destination_location}/Desktop_files"
Dir.mkdir(destination_folder) unless Dir.exist?(destination_folder)
#infinite loop
while true
    errors_messages = []
    source_files = Dir.glob("#{source_location}/*")
    source_files.each do |file|
        destination_type_folder = destination_folder
        unless File.directory?(file)
            file_type = file.split('.').last
            destination_type_folder = "#{destination_folder}/#{file_type}"
            Dir.mkdir(destination_type_folder) unless Dir.exist?(destination_type_folder)
            FileUtils.mv(file, destination_type_folder)    
            errors_messages << file

    puts "Successfully Cleared #{source_files.count-errors_messages.count} files"
    puts "Failed to Cleared file(s) due to \n #{errors_messages.join("\n")}" if errors_messages.any?
    sleep 30 # clean up will run twices for every min you can change the frequency


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